
"Oh, wait they are staying for a week, and . . . THEY WANT TO MEET MY ROOMMATE!”

"What roommate, did you tell them about me after all?”

"Well, sort of, they would never have let me live alone in the city, so I had to tell them that I was living with some one."

"You'd better come up with one then, you don't want to disappoint the folks. Did you teil them much?"

“Well, as a matter of fact I have been telling them regularly what we, my roommate and myself have been doing."

"Well, let's get my things out of here and you can think about the rest."

It took us both the best part of an hour to get all my clothes and accessories collected and to haul them down to the storage room in the basement of the building. But after we were done, there wasn't a single male article to be found. The place was just exactly right for a couple of college girls, very Now but just a bit feminine. Marie had gotten out her flowered bedspread and lace curtains, and she had evenly divided her wardrobe between the two bedrooms, so as to give the impression that there were indeed two girls in evidence. This left her with only one problem, where to come up with the other young lady. I didn't think that I would be of much more help, and I wanted to give her thinking room so I said:

"Well, I'll see you next week, call me if you run into any trouble. I'm going to take a room at the "Y" until Mommie and Daddy leave. Call me if you need help . . ."

"Bill, please help me with my problem, first, before you go."

"Which one, your parents, or your roommate?"

"My roommate, where can I get Anne?"

"Anne, who?"

"My roommate, Anne Bliss."